Saturday, December 22, 2007

quadtriplequintrillions of quadtriplequintrillions of atoms in universe

Feeling yourself disintegrate
The flaming lips

Love in our life is just too valuable
Oh, to feel for even a second without it
But life without death is just impossible
Oh, to realize something is ending within us
Feeling yourself disintegrate

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Hi! Noticing I've had a lot of visitors to this page over last few days. Thanks for dropping by! :) Feel free to drop me a line ever!

Friday, December 07, 2007

best irc channel

I've never seen a channel like this. While you know big huge channels like kde and gentoo and such probably always have a conversation or help question/answer going on, I'm amazed because this is a text based game not in the mold of Zork :) #nethack on has to be the best irc channel ever. nethack is such a consuming game, if you want to be good you have to suffer literally hundreds and hundreds of deaths, after giving it your best shot for minutes or hours. Yet, this channel, everytime I log on, there is always a conversation going on. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, it's always hopping. I am ashamed that I never have delved into this game really, I've had a few couple-week spurts (usually with some graphical derivative) but always pulled out because I recognized I have to make time to do everything else but play a game :) It always revigorates my faith in humanity to log onto irc, and this channel, and to discover cool people talking about a cool game. I'm serious, this channel has never let me down. It's always hopping :)

I still don't have time to play nethack. Maybe someday :) Well, I guess I'll try a game now, but don't expect me to last too long :)

Remembering The Patriots From Whence They Came

Look at how the football teams I'd been a part of in middle and high school had been doing, and compare it to this summary of the Patriots of the time. I hadn't ever really paid much attention to football till high school, depsite playing in middle had just been a fun way to take out aggression and get the crap kicked out of me every day for fun! :) Go pats!! I hope they take another NFL Championship this year, would be great fun :)


If 1970-73 was Dark Ages I, 1989-92 was Dark Ages II. Dark Ages II is the time period in Patriot history which is the main reason why you should love forever what is happening today, and continue to crave more championships. Sullivan had sold the team in 1988 to Victor Kiam of Remington, but no one knew, despite Billy finally pulling out of the organization he created and kept in the area, that Kiam would lead the Patriots into deeper shame than Sullivan or his sons ever did.

1990 remains the worst single season in Patriot history. A Week 2 16-14 win at Indianapolis begat a 14-game losing streak to finish the season. Marc Wilson and Tommy Hodson were eminently forgettable Patriot quarterbacks in this Steve Grogan’s final season. The Patriots were outscored by their opponents 446-181. During the 14-game losing streak the offense was held under 20 points 12 times. And the scandal involving Patriot players exposing themselves to then-Herald reporter Lisa Olson (now with the New York Daily News) remains the low water mark in franchise history.

Rust coached the team in 1990, then gave way to former UMass head coach Dick MacPherson. While he restored dignity to the team, along with a cheerleader style of coaching, he could not bring his team to win consistently and he had to step down due to health problems. By 1992, the team was a total woebegone organization, with a disgruntled fan base and players who most likely hated being there.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007

60 games a year

Good usenet article. NFC hopefully is getting better!

good song

These guys have like 9-10 songs that are really cheerful, really catchy :)

Thursday, November 01, 2007


It overtakes me, it overtakes me . . .

And I'm there
Looking up at the sky
And I'm scared
Thinking about the way that I
I don't understand
Anything at all
And how it overtakes me
And I'm just so small

Do I stand a chance?

Friday, October 26, 2007

cruel commercial :)


from the newsgroup this week:

When the criticism about a pro football team is that they are scoring too
many points, it has truly entered into the arena of the surreal, and
suggests that we are winessing a uniquely phenomenal team.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Calculus of Love


3 hours till game time :) Ah you know, the Dolphins shut out the pats last year. I was so pissed off anyways I don't think I even really paid much attention, just recorded the game and figured. I had fully been expecting such a loss to be honest, for many reasons. Miami is SUCK to play there, they always have a good defense, the history of games, their surprising me in 2003 after I'd slept through the game and hearing about it on AM, with the fluke loss. I dunno, I don't have that feeling today. I think it's gonna be a party :) Come over!!!


Look at this guy's youtube videos... An entire concert with Elliott Smith songs :)

This song blows me away, it's a lot deeper than I thought the first couple dozens of times I was compelled to listen :) Lord this guy has some beautiful, awesome songs :)

another great song, I am amazed he played it so perfectly with all the drunks in the background...have seen clips of Trent Reznor start cussing and cutting it off for less :)

Is a bunch of songs I'd love to find youtube videos for and post here.


Memo to Human Resources
They Might Be Giants

I'll be in the back, and I don't need the help
I'm good here in the back
I'm good all by myself
I'm busy taking stock of all the things that I've forgot (5 4 3 2)
And making mental notes of just exactly where I lost the plot (2 2 2 2)

I stuck around too long feeling sorry for myself
A disinvited guest rifles through the bathroom shelf
I'm searching for some disbelief that I can still suspend (5 4 3 2)
But never mind the furthermore-the plea is self-defense again (2 2 2 2)

Then the people came to talk me down
And I got some advice
Then the people came to talk me down
But I don't need advice-I'm down

Later in my car I considered what you said
I'm good here in my car
I'm good with what you said
And I'd be shouting out to you but I was mighty hoarse
Talk you through the finer points and issues much too small to force

Then the people came to talk me down
And I got some advice
Then the people came to talk me down
But I don't need advice-I'm down

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Found like in April, same time I found my little pink ipod (gone now). Also, started using Amarok pretty intensively at that time. Have gotten used to rating every song I hear the first time to get that "last played" date in the database, as well as a playcount, and most importantly a rating, in the Amarok database. Of course, is fun too. Anyways, my top song on, "A lack of color" by Death Cab for Cutie, I was in the mood to listen to tonight so I pulled it up. And while I rate a lot of songs 5 of 5 stars just cause they impress upon me that they are awesome (say just about every Meshuggah, Slayer, Opeth, etc. song) (also other albums I give about every song 5 stars, is fun to find a new album and when it's over realize I gave every song 5 stars heh, is how Amarok is so fun, it uses a database to keep track of all the stats etc. Of course, upon 2nd or 3rd or whatever listen I often revise my ratings, is a way of choosing what songs. Anyways, Amarok scores songs too, and I've found workarounds (learned some sql programming) to make it more like I like it :) Every 11th of every month I subtract 1 point of a max 99 point rating from every song in my collection, in the database. That way slowly, My favorite songs really are on top, because I listen to them most recently you know, and on a month by month basis (30 days) you can listen to a lot of songs so I feel 1 month is a good time to subtract 1/100 of score :) Otherwise I already was ending up with like a ton of songs with almost max score, and this way I have some differentiation. It is amazing how fast time flies :P I look at song fresh in head and it says I last listened to it 1 week ago. Anyways the reason I decided to write this blog post, is my top song on, and it has many dozen plays in my car or stupid-assed cd-player before it broke (before I bought ipod? I dunno) anyways I know I played it a lot, I noticed a little bit ago I had rated it 4.5 stars on first listen. I fixed it, but ya is fun to just go with flow and rate whatever and not worry :) Peace out!!! (pretty sure I misplaced a parenthesis somewhere in this post)

Sunday, October 07, 2007


I have no idea. Honestly, no idea at all.


Finally listened to enough Porcupine Tree to have it jump up one on my chart :) I don't manipulate my charts other than I use it to choose what sort of music I'm in the mood to listen to, sometimes. I have been trying really hard to not listen to my top 2 bands because obviously I listened to the living crap out of them earlier this year :) Been slipping and letting a lot of Maroon 5 play though...their new album is freaking tight, at least. I just listen to whatever I'm in the mood to listen to, been mostly into the Flaming Lips, Meshuggah, Hum, Jeff Buckley, Blonde Redhead, and well last couple weeks I was having a Buckcherry week, they aren't really that bad heh. My stats would obviously be a lot different if it recorded what I listened to in my car, but it'd take a lot of money to get that going, unfortunately. I'd like to just go buy another little pink ipod shuffle but I was disapointed in the manner it handled played song counts, may as well save up for something a little bigger with a little more functionality (miss that thing though :)

Free Image Hosting at

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I was sent to outer space
To find another happy place
Now I'm left here all alone
Million miles away from home

Floating through the galaxy
All the stars in front of me
Now I'm left here all alone
Million miles away from home


Friday, September 14, 2007

pink powah!!!

These guys are awesome. I think everyone should wear pink more. I know it gives me a feeling of power...I love my old Daylight Donut shirts still :)


This webcomic is sortof hit and miss I think :)


Haven't turned on the TV since Sunday, have just let the messages in the newsgroup pile up (are like 1600 since I marked all read on Sunday, heh). Well, guess the Pats got caught breaking a rule and oh lord what a stink, heh. Are some awesome freaking threads in the newsgroup this week :)

>Subject: Belichick should be executed

>Kill him.


>Subject: Fucking cheaters! May you got in hell.

>You heard me.

Damn you!!! Go to moon!

>Subject: Belichick is a disgrace!

>Shame on you Pats. Some of your posters spammed our Steelers newsgroup regularly for years and now you get a little payback.

Ya Ya well our trolls at least are a little more creative on average than the incessant "SUCK BLACK AND GOLD COCK" we always had to put up with, even like the day after the Pats destroyed the Steelers yet again :)

>Subject: Jeez Look At The Trolls Here!!!!!

>Is there anything we can do about it??????

>mr dude

w00t. :) (if you follow the newsgroup you'll know how Mr. Dude rolls) :) Not a troll at all :)

>Subject: Dynasty*


ROFL. I love football season, besides the obvious (games :) ) The newsgroups come alive with the teams invading each other's newsgroups...SO MUCH LOVE :)


> Patsy Nation.....the entire sports world is considering your 3 Super Bowl victories a TOTAL FRAUD!!!

> Evidence is starting to pour in that you have stolen signals from MANY games.....incl. the Super Bowls!

> Belichick is facing immediate termination.....and permanent banishment from the NFL.

> How does it feel to have your whole world crashing down around you......hmm???


Is one of our regular guest from the Steeler's newsgroup...always a good time :)

>Subject: Patriot Act

>Bush and Belicheat have a lot in common.

Hey now!!!

>Subject: I Hope The Bolts Kick Your Ass

>That's a real classy organization you have whan your hc is a cheating husband and your star qb has a bastard child and than you get caught stealing signals.You all should be real proud of this franchise.

Blah blah blah heard this all before. San Diego fans and their class this blah blah class that blah blah :)


>This is embarrassing.

Nod :)

>Subject: What The NFL Commish Should Do....

Pats forfeit first 5 games this season and must apologize to all the
teams over the years that have cheated (AKA "All of them")

Forfeit all post season victories over the last 7 years

Belichick gets a lifetime ban from football

No draft picks for three years

Pats salary cap lowered by $20 million for three years

Ankle bracelet on Tom Brady with close monitoring to make sure he is
paying his child support payments

Pats not allowed to punt for two years

Pats must kick off from their own goal line

Opposition TD's count as 12 points

Kraft must sell the team after 5 years

mr dude (grow some balls Commish and do the right thing!)


>Subject: Bushtard Fingerprints Found On Camera!!!!

>Also if you watch film of the "Snowplow" game you can clearly see
Bushtard driving the snowplow!!!! And the ref who called the tuck???
Yep, it was Bushtard.

>mr dude

No doubt :)

>Subject: NFL Kicks Patriots Out Of League!!!!

>Off to the CFL!!!!!


>mr dude


>Subject: Reality Check Time For The Pats Homers...

>Belichick was the worst coach in the NFL when he was in Cleveland. And then all of a sudden he is a genius???

>Belicheater steals signals, lies in injury reports and ruins

>While we mourn thousands killed on 9/11 we must remember that "honor, sacrifice and truth" are not simply words.

>Belicheater must be imprisoned!!!!!


>Subject: Bledsoe

>Any chance Drew would have been more effective if he had the same "info" Brady has had the last few years? Ya gotta wonder.

So much love :)

>Subject: Bottom Line

>You're some cheatin fucks.

>I knew brady wasn't that good.


KK Is a lot more like this, was a lot of good reading :)

>Subject: So after we wax San Diego like 34-10

>What's the NFL excuse going to be then?

Will end this post with a post following my sentiment... Not good to be cocky though, the last time Pats played Chargers in Foxboro San Diego pretty much dominated... Am really looking forward to the game, both teams have some great players.... It feels so good that football season finally is in swing :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

nice web, crack spider

Check out this web in Texas! Twice the size of a football field!

Monday, September 03, 2007


Best band!


Frequently Asked Rhetorical Questions
Some pretty good ideas for answers for when some smart ass asks you something like this :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

another safety tip

Don't drink liquid nitrogen!!!

light pollution

I think I will be able to get into this band. This song has a sortof crappy tune but I like what it's about. Damn the little league baseball games!! They used to kill my night vision all the time. I haven't gone out for a long time though :(

Light Pollution
Bright Eyes

John A. Hobson was a good man
He used to loan me books and mic stands
He even got me a subscription
To the Socialist Review
Listening to records in his basement
Old folk songs about the government
"It's love of money, not the market"
He said, "these fuckers push on you"

"And freedom yells, it don't cry
Whatever sells will decide
But there's no hell when you die
So don't look so worried"

He got a night life, lost his day job
Pushing papers, swinging pendulums
Anything to serve a function
Or to occupy some time

You gotta earn this living somehow
You're good as dead without a bank account
But it's funny how alive he felt down
In that unemployment line

With all that trash at his feet
The pools of piss in the street
All of that filthy empathy
For the way we're feeling

The billboards shade
The flags they wave
The anthem was playing loud
The baseball game was letting out

And all at once
he saw the dust
And heard every tiny sound
Got in his truck and turned around

Drove out through the crowd and the cops
Drove out past that center mall
Drove out past that sickening sprawl
Out past that fenced in crawl

And maybe he lost control
Fucking with the radio
But I bet the stars seemed so close
At the end
At the end
At the end


I apologize for all the song lyrics I've been posting lately! Just that I've found so many great bands you know. I still find stuff everyday that I think other people would find interesting, just don't post much anymore. I could go crazy and post a lot of stuff, but does anyone at all read this? There's an RSS feed, but it's a catch 22...if I continue like I have been it wouldn't bother anyone much, but if I posted stuff all the time it probably would heh. Anyways, I noticed a lot of people I checked at had Bright Eyes played a lot, so I checked them out, and not bad at all :)
Is a very mellow solo artist, but cool lyrics, not sure really how to describe. Good tunes :)

Hit the switch
Bright eyes

I'm staring out into that vaccum again
From the back porch of my mind
The only thing thats alive
I'm all there is

And I start attacking my vodka, stab the ice with my straw
My eyes have turned red as stoplights, you seem ready to walk
You know I'll call you eventually, when I wanna talk
'Til then you're invisible.

'Cause theres a switch that gets hit and it all stops making sense
And in the middle of drinks, maybe the fifth or the sixth
I'm completely alone at a table of friends
I feel nothing for them. I feel nothing, nothing

Well, I need a break from the city again
I think I'll ship myself back west
I got a friend there, she says, "hey, any time."
Unless that offers expired, I have been less than frequent
she's under no obligation to indulge every whim
And I'm so ungrateful, I take, she gives and forgives
And I keep forgetting it

And each morning she wakes with a dream to describe
Something lovely that bloomed from her beautiful mind
I said "I'll trade you one for two nightmares of mine
I have some where I die, I have some where we all die."

I'm thinking of quitting drinking again
I know i said that a couple times
And I'm always changing my mind, well, i guess i am
But theres this burn in my stomach and theres this pain in my side
And when I kneel at the toilet
And the mornings clean light pours in through the window
Sometimes I pray I don't die
I'm a goddamn hypocrite

But the night rolls around and it all starts making sense
There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
And so I do what I do and at least I exist
What could mean more than this?
What would mean more?
Mean more?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

good song

Fragile dreams

"Tonight your soul sleeps, but one day you will feel real pain,
maybe then you will see mee as I am,
A fragile wreck on a storm of emotion"

Countless times I trusted you,
I let you back in,
Knowing... Yearning... you know
I should have run... but I stayed

Maybe I always knew,
My fragile dreams would be broken for you.

Today I introduced myself,
To my own feelings,
In silent agony, after all these years,
They spoke to me... after all these years

Maybe I always knew...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy 25th birthday, compact disk

Holy cow, still holding up good :) I wish more cd players would support mp3 on cd's, but hey you can fit 15-20 songs on a cd at least.

Elliott Smith - Somebody That I Used to Know

I had tender feelings that you made hard
But it's your heart, not mine, that's scarred
So when I go home, I'll be happy to go
You're just somebody that I used to know

You don't need my help anymore
It's all now to you, there ain't no before
Now that you're big enough to run your own show
You're just somebody that I used to know

I watched you deal in a dying day
And throw a living past away
So you can be sure that you're in control
You're just somebody that I used to know

I know you don't think you did me wrong
And I can't stay this mad for long
Keeping a hold of what you just let go
You're just somebody that I used to know

Monday, August 06, 2007

The 10 Strangest (Real) Things in Space

Good reading :)

security tip :)

From the page listing Firefox's security fixes:

MFSA 2007-23 Remote code execution by launching Firefox from Internet Explorer

Don't do this anyways, no matter HOW TEMPTING IT SOUNDS :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

swear words by ranking

Here's a good list of words to have memorized for those special occasions when you really gotta cuss, ranked by which are considered the worst! It's british, but interesting.

American version :)

Driver's revenge

Calling the idiot who almost tried to murder you or in this case tried really hard for a collision probably isn't the smartest thing, but who hasn't wanted to call some idiot in that situation? Well this guy was lucky enough to be in that situation when the idiot had their phone number on their car (at at least the traffic doesn't sound like it was moving very fast). I don't drive much anymore, but used to commute for half an hour, and when I was a delivery driver, had my share of buttheads thinking they owned the road when I was trying to find a address in pitch black with no house number and no porchlight :) Feel-good story of the day!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

cat haiku

Not sure the webmaster of this website wrote this or not, but good poem about his cat :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

new favorite song

New favorite song is called "fucking electric" or something off Pantera's 2000 album. The next song, "Yesterday don't mean shit" is awesome too.

One hand on the bottle, the other a shaking
Fist, rejuvinated, isolated, no pressure
From the outside, my sight’s goddamn electric
And these eyes have seen a world
Goddamn electric system...


Cause yesterday don't mean shit
What's over is over and nothing between
Yesterday don't mean shit
Because tomorrow's the day you have to face
There's no rewinding time
Yesterday don't mean shit
Yesterday don't mean shit

great lyrics

If there was a day I could live
If there was a single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away
I'd trade all the others away

Monday, July 09, 2007


Sortof did some digging last night trying to figure out how the heck to get my old rave directory to scrobble right, as I had no idea what to put in the "artist" tag, and only had a vague clue on some of the filenames (along with a cryptic letter-number combination on most of the tracks). Well, after trying a bunch of stuff, eventually decided to try the old webpage, and to my surprise, it was alive again! Sortof makes me happy, was sad when I tried to listen one day and both that radio stream and Sick Onion had dropped off the internet. Anyways, after clicking on some of those links, discovered that practically all the songs off that station are from a couple of guys who call themselves "DJ Sharpnel". (Am very glad I set off to learn Japanese a few years ago, it makes me happy to not be in the "I wonder what the heck all this gibberish means" stage anymore :) ) Anyways, not the sort of music for everyone, I loaned a cd with some of their tracks on it to a friend I know who loves techno, and he gave it back with a "what the *bleap* kind of crap did you give me to listen to" sort of feedback. Ah, very jarring, very driving, lots of samples and melodies from anime and videogames and such...but some awesome and some really really pretty spots. But when I get into the mood for this type of music I usually listen to it all night long...really gets my adrenaline and happy neurotransmiters kicking in!! :)

Also, discovered another duo named Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo after my discovery, and have really been getting into them tonight. They have a couple of songs that are a little out there, but some awesomely pretty songs as well. Think they popped up on speedcore tag radio station, which is mostly very similar music. Another couple tag stations I've been listening to at obvious times are sleep and sleeping, both have very pretty, very mellow and soft songs. (Right now none of the radio streams are working for me at all, hopefully they will again soon).

Am in a pretty good mood. I get my first day off tomarrow after closing several days at my new job, which is going pretty darn good. Met some cool people, kinda a blast in the past..the type of job and what I'm doing. Is a lot more busy than my last job! I forgot how fast time blows by when you get a new job, I guess cause I have a lot to learn and am concentrating to figure out the right way to do stuff.

Also I'm pretty broke right now, so finally laying off the whiskey and cheap 3 point beer :) It feels really weird, but I know I think a lot faster when I've been sober for a few days, things just seem to go a lot smoother.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I’ve Eaten Like Shit All My Life but I Run a Lot Every Day

Most everything on this page is edible! Some of the cakes are awesome looking. Too pretty to eat, but some are very colorful and look very good. The Han Solo hershey's bar... sweet :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

firefight preparation

I don't have a gun, but I thought this article on being prepared for a gunfight confrontation was interesting.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Added a radio station to the sidebar. I had been kindof skeptical about it until I tried it a few times, is very uncanny how it plays some of my favorite songs, at least with a pretty good ratio of stuff I've liked. Been thinking about resetting my stats though, as sortof annoying how my ipod will lie to my computer and say I listened to a song ah 20 times in the last 2 days. Not completely impossible, especially considering how much I had had to drink on some of those days, and some of the crazy nuts play counts were on songs I did like, but the thing is, somehow Garbage jumped to like my #2 band or something, as did Slayer and Maroon 5. Now I enjoy their new album a lot, but that's sortof crazy. I'd been thinking to just go with the flow and let my ipod have it's fun, but it's sortof annoying that the songs I really do play only once or 2-3 times, well they sortof overshadowed by whatever on ipod. Also...ipod really glitchy, is sortof fun except when it picks inconvienient times to just fizz out and deleting everything with a few fsck.vfat -a's in the mix too, plug in, unplug, plug in, unplug. Ah, trying to find the relevant portions in Amarok's source code to maybe get it a little less glitchy on the play counts, for some bands it works perfect, some it just nuts inflates. One thing I may not be able to do anything about is that I fear my ipod counts a play, even if's only 1 second to jump to next random track. It'd be regrettable if that was the case, considering it's interface is just skip skip skip till you find what you want :) Anyways, will see.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

fixed blog

Finally got around to fixing my blog webpage and stuff. Hadn't really thought about it for a long time!


This is a sortof neat toy. Type in the name of a band you like and then click on the little dot, click on "expand". Then do it again and again heh. Tries to tie related bands together, but can get a little hairy pretty fast!

Friday, June 01, 2007

time to panic!!

I guess Andromeda is heading straight for us at 60 miles a second!!! I guess when it eventually runs into us they are saying we will get hurtled out of our galaxy into deep space :(


Here's a flicker set with a lot of pictures of "Tiny Animals On Fingers". The little monkeys are so cute :) Caught a little praying mantis like the one in the first picture one day, it had been crawling up my neck and being especially sensitive to the idea of spiders, I swatted it but it ended up on my hand, had hurt one of its little legs I guess. Was so cool looking though.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Finally got around to updating my username so I could log on to my blog. Been getting really nice outside over the last few days!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


It really is awesomely beautiful out there. For some reason the enormous snowflakes didn't like concrete or packed roads. But they liked everything else :) So what we get is white covering everything!!!!!! Except for sidewalks, streets, alley. And the snow, it is just so fluffy I just wanted to make a snowball and hurl it at my car. Well the snow's intact, is much prettier before anything but small mammels scurry through it. Is so much fun, making friends with a squirrel. It takes freaking months, and probably won't work out, in any case, lol. Chirp Chirp!!!!!

Ya I guess it's sortof embaressing but I made a squirrel friend today. Not really a close friend as I realize he may get hit by a car tomarrow, but he's been living in that tree for a long time so he's probably not so dumb to run out in the street for no reason. I've caught it several times before. Well, the neighbors have a wood fence, and dude will run down the fence and just sit there and try to look cool, or it will just launch itself down the fence. The first time I saw it do that, it failed miserabally and just launched itself down and landed horribly. But it took off way past it's tree, past the house and my field of vision, came back and ran a little ways out, ran straight on at the house and when it got there it went UP. All the way to the raftors and then on the ceiling to the little hole...into my attic. Uh, may be worth an expidition sometime, to find what squirrel-dude is hiding in the raftors :)
Anyways he eventually comes out and runs back.

Dang sorry about the long paragraph. Today I came out and stepped up to balcony, and there was Mr. Squirrel, right down there, have no idea what he was doing, besides obviously obsorbed in what it was doing. So I lean out and it doesn't move so I'm like "chirp chirp" and ya it looks at me but doesn't right away run off, just sortof looks at me like "give me a break." So I go, "chirp chirp" and it looks at me and runs the tree. I'm like, haha ya you still hear me, "chirp chirp". I look up to where'd you'd run if you were a squirrel and you were running for your life, and no squirrel. So I'm like, "chirp chirp". And I lean out, and look around the edge and there is squrrel chan. I'm like, "chirp chirp" and it responds, jumping out then squirreling over to the other side of the tree, where it found something in the ground worth digging up. I was like, sweet. I said, "chirp chirp" and it ran off and back up the tree, so I was like, "chirp chirp". It realized the absurdity of the situation, and ran back down the tree and back out to where it had just been before.

Chirp chirp@!!!!!!


Last night it had been windy and turning crappy for awhile, then there was this ruckus outside, figured it had just got really windy again or maybe was raining. Kinda a switch from an idealistic spring afternoon just a few short hours earlier, with the drop in temperature. But when I went outside, there were little hail stones, well they were either them or REALLY BIG SNOWFLAKES. And they were just pouring down, not too fast, just sortof dignifiantly propelling them into the ground, as fast as their not so palpable tangible bodies would allow given the conditions. I figured I may grab the broom and do a little preemptive sweeping but I'm glad I didn't. Sometime soon later the snow changed to really fine, yet really sprawled out...really fluffy, and just completely covered EVERYTHING. The lifeless trees, the cars driving by,
the evergreens over the way, are all just so utterly gorgeous right now, heh. Guess if you have to endure 3 months of winter a year may as well enjoy some of it. Besides, when spring hits, it really hits.

The squirrels are sure having fun this morning. Hopefully today is nice with lots of sunshine to melt this abomination away!!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007


Existentialism attempts to describe our desire to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. Unfortunately, life might be without inherent meaning (existential atheists) or it might be without a meaning we can understand (existential theists). Either way, the human desires for logic and immortality are futile. We are forced to define our own meanings, knowing they might be temporary. In this existence…

The Individual Defines Everything.

Was wondering what that word meant.
From here.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I lay her gently on my clothes
She will leave me, yes I know.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Go PATS!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

right on

Half hour till game time. Was thinking of going home and watching it with my dad but it looks so cold outside. 

That was a really weird post I had left on here last night, wasn't it. 

This Bears-Seahawks game is killing me.  I have never seen a more boringer game in my life.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007

ya let's not blow it, ganbatte

“You work . . . hard to get to this point,” coach Bill Belichick
acknowledged last week, “[and] you’d like to think that that’s when you
really want to put your foot on the gas and try to take advantage of the
opportunity. There’s no guarantee that this opportunity will ever be here
again, for any of us.”
 The opportunity begins today.

Darth Vader

A dumb little video of Darth Vader singing "I feel pretty". :)